Whipping and Strapping a Pain Slut Featuring Nichole
9,510 98%
The two tattooed mistresses continue their relentless punishment of Nichole, this time on her back, ass and legs. Dressed in her lacy lingerie, they strap her to the bench and get to work. The wooden spoon gets into every exposed tender area around her bum, a heavy Borstal strap & prison strap render her ass hot like a burning ember, swollen and quivering with agony. A variety of paddles and a martinet are used on her ass, thighs, even her feet. Next up is her back. They flog it hard with bouts of soft sensual stroking scattered in, then Mistress Graves skillfully gets down low to the ground to deliver blisteringly hot lashes. Baton wields the gray wraith, a kind of dragon's tongue on Nichole's thighs and bum. And judging by her pupils, this pain slut is on a delicious agonizing high.
Ein Traum:
von beiden zu einer völlig verweiblichten 24/7/365 Transenschlampe geformt zu werden.
Von beiden zu einer willigen Transhure und Abficksau erzogen und dressiert zu werden, mit all dieser Härte, schonungslos und unerbittlich.
Von beiden täglich so angespornt und gefärbt zu werden, um jedem Hengst, Bullen und Freier bedingungslos und willig zu dienen, denen sie mich zuführen.
Ein Traum - seufz.